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HRNM 6112 Recruitment and Selection- Goals and Company Culture


1. What is the importance of workplace assessment in the recruitment and selection process?
Workplace assessments enable employers to conduct a comparative appraisal of various applicants in finding the most suitable person for the role. According to Cook and Cripps (2008), assessment tests indicate how closely a potential applicant will match the hiring requirements. This aids in minimizing the risk of wrong hiring decision and improve the quality of the company’s hiring. Assessment tests are proven to be scientific reliable, and provides a strong indicator for applicant’s future job performance. The benefits of assessment tests go beyond streamlining the hiring process and increasing the quality of the hire. It helps align the recruitments process with the desired business goals and company culture.
  • Streamlined hiring process save time and get better results.
  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention rate.
  • Reduction in the negative cost which is related to a wrong hire.
  • Higher productivity of the hires.
  • A good fit the company’s culture.
  • Enhanced equitability, objectivity and legal defensibility of a company’s recruitment process.
2. If you were a recruiter, state and discuss three (3) assessment tools you will use when hiring a Director in a Manufacturing organization.
3. State and discuss three (3) testing issues in recruitment and selection as discussed in the course.
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