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Paper including a title page, an executive summary of less than a page, an index

Paper including a title page, an executive summary of less than a page, an index, the main body of the paper and a final section
with references.
The main body of each paper will contain and introduction, a development and a conclusion. The Development will
contain a mínimum of 5 key factors or trends for the industry, from both the macro and micro environments; you will
explain each one of them and explain wether they constitute an opportunity or a threat, and why. Think of
approximately one or two pages for each factor, as a proxy for length. The Conclusion will contain your key messages
to your CEO about the key opportunities and threats she has to build the company strategy on. Do not copy directly
from the sources without quoting them, and use your own language.
Grading Criteria: Formal aspects of the paper, quality of the sources/references employed, content structure as stated
in 1-2 and original content. All the papers will be processed through Safe Assign and you will be able to check your
originality report when submitting it.

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