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Reply to the following two discussion post. Using 150-175 words Post #1

Reply to the following two discussion post. Using 150-175 words

Post #1 from Selena

To understand ethics first an individual needs to know the definition. Ethics involves a moral principle that rules an individual’s behavior. In research, ethics is important because it is what helps protect the participants in a study. The code of ethics is as follows; anonymity, right to self-determination, right to privacy, right to fair treatment, and the right from protection and harm (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). Without this code of ethics, the research could be done in a way that is unethical and provides information that is inaccurate and no help in changing an issue or understanding the issue.

I played Megan Boyle a research assistant that is struggling to make ends meet while her husband is in residency. At times during the simulation experience, it was difficult to choose an answer due to taking in Megan’s feelings on the matter. Yet every time the wrong decision was going to be made logic won out. It’s hard to stick to the rules especially when it seems like no one else is going to follow them. A lot of the time during the study Megan experienced disrespect or was blown off and that can become frustrating to a person. The main thing that Megan did well was always thinking through her decisions. She also had the integrity to ask for clarification on information even when she felt like a bother in doing so. Based upon Megan’s behavior she did have frustration most of the time to stress from the job and her financial situation. Her attitude at times would slip through the cracks and it did show to participants. In front of the participants, Megan has to learn how to better handle her emotions even if those participants are giving her a hard time. There is not much else that Megan could do. She always tried to do her job to the best of her ability and always answered honestly even when met with frustration. Staying true to the study and to herself on what was the right thing to do. I handled the simulation well and I would only change one part of it. When asking one of the participants about assistance in the shower she was unable to come to decision, so I chose to help her have a better understanding. The problem with this after continuing to the next part is that it influenced her to answer making it not solely the participants making it inaccurate information. Resources and guidance that would best be used is going to the head individual in charge. They have the information and are better able to provide guidance when there is struggle or confusion. I learned that making an ethical choice isn’t always an easy choice. Sometimes a person just wants to give up and take the easy way out but that is not the way life or ethics works. It is about making the hard decisions and doing the right thing.

Post #2 from Alejandra

Ethical principles help a lot in conducting nursing researches that are effective and efficient. Both the researcher and the participants have ample time to collaborate in the research. There are many ethical principles in nursing research which include autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, confidentiality and autonomy among other ethical principles (McDermott-Levy, Leffers & Mayaka, 2018). For instance, beneficence as an ethical principle ensures that ‘good’ is done to participants so that the research benefits both the participant and society. Ethical principles are important because they help nurses to handle ethical dilemmas that arise during research and practice in clinics or hospitals. In my understanding a nursing researchers can also help to design ways to improve healthcare outcomes but not to improve health only. Transplant of organs is an example of health outcomes that nursing researcher can do improvements. Reducing mortality rate that results due to liver transplant rejection can be reduced if a nursing researcher applies ethical principles where appropriate.

            I participated in a research, research stimulation activity, of how to safely transplant a liver to avoid complications that come with organ transplant. I felt like I was contributing to the society and patients through the activity. In other words, I felt like I was saving a life. I did well in providing blood and fluid replacement. My character did not do well when I feared that the patient might lose their lives if the liver is rejected. The sense I can make of out this strange character is that a negative result can come in if I find it hard to stay strong and handle the situation at hand. I would focus my character on the task at hand rather feeling afraid if a situation like that happens again. I would join a nursing organization like The American Nurses Association (ANA) so that I can improve my ability to promote ethical and safe working environment as a nurse (Lockwood, Dos Santos & Pap, 2019).  Ethical committees and ethicists can also help me with guidance and support about ethical principles. I learnt that ethical principle helps us as nurses to conduct researches that are based on characters and behaviors that bring more positive outcomes than negative ones. I consider ethical principles that the basics of effective nursing research.

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