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1 NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3: The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. Assessment task 2: Online Critical Appraisal from Course Content Learning Outcomes Assessed. Knowledge: K1. Analyse the impact of different cultural perspectives and suggest how an individual’s understandings can influence engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities K2. Investigate factors that influence cultural vulnerability and resilience and their relationship to health choices K3. Examine the basis of Aboriginal & Torres


NURBN 2025: Primary Health 3:

The Health and Cultural Diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

Assessment task 2: Online Critical Appraisal from Course Content

Learning Outcomes Assessed.


K1. Analyse the impact of different cultural perspectives and suggest how an individual’s understandings can influence engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities

K2. Investigate factors that influence cultural vulnerability and resilience and their relationship to health choices
K3. Examine the basis of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People’s identities including cultural diversity
K4. Explore the meaning of ‘cultural safety’ and the impact that feeling safe might have on Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People experiencing improved health outcomes


S1. Analyse and critically explain historical, political, cultural, and social influences that have led to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People experiencing poor health
S3. Investigate and explain the role of various stakeholders in Australian Indigenous Health (e.g., National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, State and local Aboriginal health services, Co-operatives, CATSINAM)

S4. Analyse strategies, practices, and programs (including positive contributions by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People themselves) in health care delivery and health promotion designed to work in partnership with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People to meet current health needs

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection


Application of knowledge and skills:

A1. Develop an understanding of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander identity, including their diversity and place in contemporary Australia
A2. Recognise the extent to which Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People continue to experience poor health and demonstrate effective ways of working towards improving this situation

A4. Apply knowledge of different cultural understandings to how those in health care work with Indigenous individuals, families, and communities

Due Date: Week 12 – Monday 25th October at 23:59 pm Submitted as a Word Document to Turnitin drop box Overview:

The objective of this task is to not only explore various health issues, vulnerabilities, and inequities for populations with differing cultural needs, but also to reflect on your own learning and cultural awareness as a future healthcare provider.

A minimum of five (5) academic references are required using APA 7th Edition.

Word Count:

1500 words +/- 10%


Research and evidence:

Your response should include analysis and synthesis of research.

You are required to reference a minimum of five (5) ACADEMIC sources (e.g., textbooks, Peer reviewed journal articles), as well as other sources, such as websites.

Resources should be no older than 7 years (unless Government Legislations/Acts or of historical significance).

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection


Research is constantly evolving; it can be updated or challenged. Therefore, it is important to keep our knowledge up to date.

We encourage students to read widely and use the most current research you can find. If you have a journal article that falls outside the 7-year limit, ask the following:

•Have I searched for a more recent article? (Try searching using key words from the title of the reference you have.)

•Is there nothing more recent that could replace it?

•Does it contain important information that is relevant and have historical significance to my essay? Can I justify using an older source within my essay?

•An example of older resources that are acceptable:

oHampton, R., Toombs, Maree, & ProQuest. (2013). Indigenous Australians and health: the wombat in the room. Oxford University Press.

Value of the task:

The weighting of the task is 40% of your overall grade for the semester.

Assessment Details:

Using the same topic that you presented for your group presentation, provide responses to the following statements:

•Describe your chosen topic and how it affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and the health of the Community, outlining why it is a relevant topic to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
•Use current statistics or publications (less than 5 years old) to illustrate the burden of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples compared with non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
•Describe how the history of colonisation has impacted on the development of this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

•Discuss the cultural implications and obstacles to addressing this topic / issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

•Students are required to engage with the Rolfe Reflective Cycle around the topic and what they have learnt about the topic. What? So What? What next?

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection



•Please ensure that you have read the following document carefully: Appropriate Terminology, Indigenous Australian Peoples. https://moodle.federation.edu.au/pluginfile.php/6471015/mod_resource/content/1/28223 2_appropriate-terminology-indigenous-australian-peoples.pdf

Structure and Format:

Due as a Word Document submitted via the assignment submission link on Moodle. Students are required to engage with the online form to create this assessment. Textboxes are autogenerated for students to complete. This form will then collate and generate headings for the assessment once the student exports the form. Once exported the student may edit the form as required and must submit the form via the Turnitin drop box.


Once students complete the assessment form, they should export the form. This will generate a Word document.

The exported Word document is required to be submitted via the Turnitin submission link on Moodle.

Marking Criteria:

Marking criteria can be found on the Moodle page in the Assessment section


Feedback will be provided via the online marking system. As per course description, assignments will be marked and returned to students with feedback in four (4) weeks.


Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at: http://federation.edu.au/students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism.

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection


Special Consideration:

If students are adversely affected by life circumstances, a discretionary assessment extension of up to five University working days for one assessment task may be granted at the discretion of your campus course coordinator.

Please complete and submit your Discretionary Assessment Extension form directly to your campus coordinator.

If, however, a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or

impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant

cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days’ extension, then they are advised to apply for Special Consideration.

For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration,

including access to the policy, procedures, or associated forms, please find detailed

information via the following link: https://federation.edu.au/current-students/essential-info/administration/specialconsideration/higher-education

Late Penalties:

Late submission of assessment tasks, without a granted a Discretionary Extension from the Course Coordinator or an approved Special Consideration, will attract a late penalty as outlined by the School of Health Student Academic Handbook (Higher Education)

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection


The penalties are the following:

1 day late: 10% of total assessment grade will be deducted prior to marking the students work (i.e., for an assessment task worth 100 marks, 10 marks are deducted prior to marking).

2 days late: 20% of total assessment grade will be deducted prior to marking the students work (i.e., for

an assessment task worth 100 marks, 20 marks are deducted prior to marking).

3 days late: The student work will not be marked by the assessor.

NURBN 2025 – Assessment task 2 – Critical reflection

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