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This assignment asks you to expand on one (or both) of your previous essays, thr

This assignment asks you to expand on one (or both) of your previous essays, through additional research, to make an argument about some issue facing a particular community, culture, or practice group to which you may or may not belong
In developing an earlier essay, you are free to repurpose parts of it and remove parts that no longer work, as needed. The introduction of additional research should enhance and expand whatever work you did previously. Don’t simply tack more writing onto the end of the shorter essay, but expand your ideas from within, using new research to deepen and support each point, or perhaps taking one sub-claim and developing that into its own essay. The same is true if you are connecting both previous essays to one another; in digging deeper, you may find a stronger connection or contrast to explore.
Make an argument about some issue facing a particular community, culture, or practice group, with a main claim, subclaims, and reasoning that explains and interprets the evidence you have gathered
2,500-3,500 words, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
Include a title, page numbers, and Works Cited or References page.
MLA or APA citation: be consistent to the style you choose. Without a Works Cited or References page this cannot be graded, and will be in breach until citations are supplied.
At least 4 outside sources, in addition to any research from your first version, at least one of which should be scholarly, and the remainder substantive or scholarly
You may use more outside research as necessary, but this is the minimum. The fewer sources you use, the more heavily you will need to rely on each one, working carefully with its argument
You may also use as many of our shared readings as are relevant to your topic
MLA or APA works cited/references list & in-text citations
Essentially this essay is a mix up of my previous essay that I will post the file too. I would like to keep the intro but obviously add to the thesis. For this new essay I would like to expand more on immigrants and the struggle they face to receive healthcare and subclaims within that. I will need 4 additional sources they can be of your choice but at least 1 has to be scholarly. I will add the previous sources used in the files section. There was one I was not able to download so here is the link. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/08/12/americas-immigration-system-broken-heres-how-we-can-fix-column/3317521001/

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