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BMBR5103 Business Research Method and Marketing Mix


1. List the unique challenges in marketing and management of services;
2. Differentiate service organisations and manufacturing-based organisations;
3. Analyse the components of the service marketing mix (Seven P’s);
4. Discuss issues related to managing service quality;
5. Describe the role of employees in service delivery and co4umer satisfaction; and
6. Explain the issues of customer satisfaction, retention and service recovery.
This course is divided into 10 topics. The synopsis for each topic can be listed as follows: 
Topic 1 defines service and explains the nature of service, its characteristics, classifications and marketing mix. The various challenges in service marketing are also discussed. 
Topic 2 introduces a model of purchase proms and examines factors influencing the pre-purchase stage of the purchase process. Types of risks incurred in the purchase process and strategies to reduce them are also discussed.
Topic 3 defines service quality. Service quality is the focus of discussion in managing the marketing activities of a service organisation. This topic explains the principles that underlie the concept of service quality, provides insights on quality gaps and discusses methods often used to measure service quality.
Topic 4 presents the dimersions of service product, the augmented product and explains the Flower of Service. Service blueprinting is also examined. The concepts of new service product development and the seven types of approaches that can be used in developing new service products are also discussed.
Topic 5 introduces the role of pricing in service and factos determining pike. Pricing is the only element that is able to generate revenue for an organisation. Pricing modification methods, price increase issues and bases for pricing are also discussed. 
Topic 6 outlines the role of marketing communication in service and the choice of marketing communication mix for services. This topic also discusses the impact of service environment on consumers and aspects of service environment design.
Topic 7 focuses cn the accessibility and availability function  of dist rbution. The landscape of service distributions being hugely transformed by technology. Service dist dbution is concerned with how a service is made available and accesble to consumers. Channel structures, distribution growth options and the components of dist tibution management are also discussed.
Topic 8 presents the role of service pesonnel together with the job characteristics of service personnel. Controlling issues and the different ways to deal with conflict and sires are also discussed. 
Topic 9 is devoted towards explaining the service operation, operational design simultaneously with how to manage customer waling and queues. Customers today expect efficient and effective delivery of service. Time is very precious to them and service otganisatiors must respond to this through the design of their service operation.
Topic 10 explains the meaning of customer satisfaction. The second part deals with measuring customer satisfaction and Mating customer satisfaction to retention. This topic also introduces the concepts of service failure and recovery. Strategies to restore service failure and evaluating service recovery strategies are also examined. 
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