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Change agents play an important role in organisational change management

Change agents play an important role in organisational change management

Individual Assessment (60%)


Completion of this assessment will meet learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.


Please answer the essay questions listed below and write an essay of approximately 2000 words (-/+ 10%).


The essay needs to draw on the relevant course materials, such as the textbook, lecture content, tutorial exercises, or additional readings provided on MyAberdeen. It also needs to include relevant illustrative examples. Those might include the examples of different studies discussed in the textbook or in the course lectures. Finally, the essays will need to be referenced according to normal academic procedures using Harvard referencing conventions. Please note that the list of references does not count towards the overall word limit.


The essay needs to be included in a single file with the chosen question clearly identified. The file should be in MS Word or RTF format (no PDF please) and should use the following formatting requirements: font 12, one-inch margin, using double space.


Please submit the file via a Turnitin link available in MyAberdeen course area by Monday, 1st November 2021 at 12.00 (BST) (1500 Qatar).




Change agents play an important role in organisational change management. They can be internal as well as external to an organisation. With reference to change agent and their role in change management, answer the following questions:


Part A (50%)


What are the key capabilities required by a change consultant/change agent in contemporary organisations?  Illustrate your answer with examples drawn from the literature and assess how these capabilities would help in maintaining ethical relationships with your clients.


Part B (50%)


At an individual level, imagine you are considering a career as a change agent.


  • Find out what skills/experiences are needed to become an external change agent/change consultant.


(Note: You may refer to job adverts published online to get an idea of the skills/experiences required. Two useful links are provided in ‘Lecture 5- A career as a change agent?’ slide which will help you get started).


  • Evaluate your current skills/experiences against these and identify any gaps (e.g. your personality, team working, communication, and leadership style etc.).


  • Explain how you intend to address the gaps identified.


Change agents play an important role in organisational change management






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