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Evaluate available development support and resources and their constraints, with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor. Here you should evaluate the development support and resources available to help you achieve your development goals with your manager or learning supervisor.

Section 1 is focused on identifying and prioritising work-related development requirements.

1.1 Prioritise own work-related development needs with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor

In this section it is necessary to consider how own development needs are prioritised. This may be identified in an appraisal or review with your Manager and/or Mentor. You will need to consider your own development gaps and how development needs can be prioritised to best meet them. It is important that explicit agreement with your line manager or (learning supervisor) is gained.

Consider: What, where, why, and how

  •  Agree development needs with Manager/Supervisor/Mentor and consider the priority order for action and justify this. In planning the approach to take consider:
  •  Identify relevant theory around the concept of ‘learning styles’ and the different learning styles models e.g., VARK, Honey & Mumford. Apply this theory in the context of how this applies to own learning style specifically to enable you to identify the most appropriate development methods.
  • Identify theory around the learning cycle e.g., Kolb, experiential learning and its implications, deep and surface learning and learning transfer. Apply this in relation to own learning approach to demonstrate the process that you must go through to ensure learning takes place.
  •  Identify the sources and types of learning available to you (formal) structured, intentional delivered learning or (informal) occurring outside a conventional learning setting e.g., self-study reading articles, viewing videos. Which is the best opportunity for you? How can you justify this? Consider what has been identified in the previous points.
  • Identify relevant Goal setting methodology e.g., SMART objectives set to improve own performance and development goals (improve competence in Knowledge/Skills and Behaviours). Outline and apply the techniques applied for reviewing your own goals, progress and achievement.

Note, you must provide examples to relate this back to prioritising your own work-related development needs. For example, considering what is the most urgent or relevant in line with their work role and to meet the organisations objectives or, what is merely nice to do.

1.2 Evaluate available development support and resources and their constraints, with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor.

Here you should evaluate the development support and resources available to help you achieve your development goals with your manager or learning supervisor.

It is necessary to think about the advantages and disadvantages to the support available here and to consider any constraints that may impact. Consider the nature, purpose and techniques used.

A summary conclusion that pulls together your judgement is required.

Focus is on verb EVALUATE.


Section 2 is focused on implementing and evaluating planned development activities and apply learning in the workplace.

2.1 Plan and agree development activities with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor.

Here you must explicitly demonstrate how you have planned and agreed development activities with your Manager and/or learning supervisor.

The production of a development plan will need to be evidenced which links back to the specific development need and objectives identified in AC1.1. The range of planned activities to achieve goals, time, support, costs, and how this will be monitored and reviewed and by whom, as they occur will need to be agreed.

It is good practice to outline in the main body of work the consideration given to preparing the development plan, including how development activities will have been set and agreed. Some link to the evaluation carried out in the previous AC should be apparent. The development plan should be inserted in the main body of work.

2.2 Undertake development activities as planned

This AC requires you to undertake your specific development activities as planned and to put into practice the activities to achieve your development goals in the short, medium-and longer-term. Consider what skills are required for undertaking the planned learning activities e.g., Personal motivation, time, planning skills, recognising distracters. Evidence of the activities taking place must be presented.

2.3 Review at agreed intervals, with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor, the effectiveness of development activities in meeting objectives and needs

This AC requires you to review at agreed intervals your prioritised development activities and progress. This will be reflected in the development plan and also outlined in the main body of work. You will need to consider objectively, the effectiveness of any development activity in meeting your objectives and needs.

You may have received feedback on your performance to support a view of progress made so far and can use that to help reach considered judgements. Evidence should be provided of this happening.

2.4 Determine, with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor, how learning and development can be used to improve workplace performance.

It is necessary for you to determine, which aspects of your learning and development can be used to directly improve your own workplace performance in terms of knowledge, skills or behaviours.

This may be discussed further in 1-2-1 performance review with your Manager and/or learning supervisor in terms of how and which specific learning and development activities will be used to aid your specific performance improvement.

Gaining feedback from others will help with this aspect. Evidence of these activities should be presented.


Section 3 is focused on understanding the impact of development on workplace performance.

3.1 Evaluate with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor the achievement of short-term goals and progress towards achieving medium and long-term goals.

There is a need to evaluate the original goals set in terms of your development progress in the short, medium and longer term.

This may be in the form of a review, performance appraisal, self-appraisal, feedback, 360 degree or supervision with your Manager and/or learning supervisor.

You need to both weigh up the pros and cons, considering the progress and impact so far and make judgement. Summarise the judgements made and conclude with any actions that need to be taken further to progress.

Consider the verb EVALUATE.

3.2 Revise development plans appropriately following evaluation with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor

As a direct result of an evaluation in AC3.1 with your Supervisor/Mentor. Review the goals you set and consider have things changed, are the goals still realistic and achievable.

In terms of their priority do they still remain the same and align with overall organisational goals and work role objectives or do they need to be altered in any way? If so, why?

You should indicate this in the main body of work to outline any reasons for the revision and will also show the changes to be made in your development plan as well. The amended Development Plan should be attached.

3.3 Evaluate with employment supervisor and/or learning supervisor how development activities have affected work performance.

It is important to ensure that learning and activities have had the correct impact on the learner’s own work performance and to evaluate if so why and if not, why not.

Could anything be improved further? You will need to indicate how you have formed a judgement here, what is the basis of measurement you will use, have you had any feedback from others to substantiate views discussed?

How does the feedback impact on priority? Do they need to set new goals and if so, are they SMART? A summary conclusion to pull together your views is required.

Consider the verb EVALUATE.


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