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WIKIs are collaborative writing tools that allow multiple individuals to contribute to a collectively created document with both original written work and editorial tasks.. Your assignment is simply to make a substantial contribution to the information, layout, and feel of this WIKI,

First, you should read Chapter 4 in Asset Building & Community Development and Chapters 7 and 8 in Phillips and Pittman’s An Introduction to Community Development. You should also visit the Website for the ASSET BASED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE and visit at least two of the WEBSITES listed on pages 108-110 of the Asset Building & Community Development text.

Then, before midnight on Monday, September 16, 2024, CLICK ON THIS LINK to THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS WIKI. and make a significant contribution.

WIKIs are collaborative writing tools that allow multiple individuals to contribute to a collectively created document with both original written work and editorial tasks.. Your assignment is simply to make a substantial contribution to the information, layout, and feel of this WIKI, either with an original post or a substantial edit of information placed there by one of your classmates. (To be substantial, you need to contribute at least one hundred and twenty-five words and possibly an image or two). Once at the WIKI , be sure to read all the other class members’ contributions before making yours. Update and improve on the information that you find there–there is class authorship in this WIKI, so feel free to modify and even delete what has been placed there by someone else. Use quotations sparingly. Use your own words as much as you can. Again, be sure to adequately cite where you found information that helped you to make your contribution.

The goal of this WIKI is to give a complete and detailed account of the community development process used by Asset Based Community Developers.

Your primary sources of information should be the chapters from the required texts, the ABDC Institute website, and the websites listed in the required text, but you may use other resources, as long as you do not use any outside WIKIs. Information from outside WIKIs will not be accepted in this assignment. Be sure to properly cite where the information you provide was found with an in-text citation and an end reference (including any https://). Although you may use outside sources, all of your contributions should be in your own words–do not quote directly any material, do not “cut and paste” from anywhere. Try to improve both the quality of information and the appearance of the WIKI.

Before you begin working on the WIKI in this assignment, it might be a good idea to view this short video on WIKIs :


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