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A303IAE Business Start Up- Social Enterprise Idea


Assessment Information

This assignment is an individual assignment. Write a business plan for the new business or social enterprise idea that you have explored.

Criteria for Assessment

The table below details the weightings of the criteria by which your work will be assessed:
Criteria Proportion of overall module Mark
1. Introduction to the business 5%
2. Market research 20%
3. Sales and marketing plan 15%
4. Finance (start-up funding and source) 15%
5. Risk management & success measures (KPIs) 15%
6. Reflections on your skillset and outline future development needs 15%
7. Summary 5%
8. Research and resources 10%
Total 100%
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
LO1: Reflect upon their employability competencies and career management skills and plan for their future developments;
LO2: Write and present a formal plan for a new business or social enterprise;
LO3: Understand the tools, techniques and frameworks required to produce a formal business plan
The learning outcomes are provided here for information. Your ability to meet the learning outcomes will be assessed by the assignment requirements and criteria for assessment given in the table above.
Word Count
The word count is 2000 words.
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.
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