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An argumentative essay of 1200 words. Present a focused, persuasive argument tha

An argumentative essay of 1200 words. Present a focused, persuasive argument that uses research to answer a narrower and defined research question about immigration in Vancouver. The research essay must include at least one of the following readings
1) mark krikorian the real immigration debate
2) Philippe legrain immigrants your country needs them
3) mark Hecht ethnic diversity harms a country’s social trust
And a minimum of 4 other reputable and relevant sources such as journal and magazine articles
The essay must include a paragraph that hooks the reader and sets up the discussion
A arguable thesis statement
At least 3 body paragraphs
A conclusion that sums up the argument
A properly formatted works cited page
Additional information = I would like to focus the paper on the positive implications of immigration on social cohesion and trust in Vancouver
Current working thesis= a cohesive society is not one that is socially uniform and homogeneous, but one in which accommodation of conflict is managed by public and private institutions

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