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Brief introduction explains the significance of undertaking nursing research, and why it is important to research what you are. Relate your chosen area of investigation to national standards, government policy initiatives and local policy or initiatives. Background (300-400words) This sho

Assessment Brief

A Research proposal (word count guide, 2500 words) and a completed Ethics Review Form. The template for the Ethics Review form can be found under the Assessment tab. (word count guide 500 words) – Weighting 100%. Total word count 3000. (University regulations allow 10% either side of

Tutor Reassessment: this applies to the research proposal submission in the case of referral from the 1st attempt. Anonymous marking is not applicable to this module.

Submission: via Turnitin (Brightspace) 02/10/2024 13:15

Within the module Brightspace site, under ‘Assessments’ there will be a link for you to click on and follow the instructions to submit your work electronically. There are additional instructions and help guidelines for submitting work via Turnitin, on your front page of Brightspace.

Please do not fail to submit the work as this may impact upon your progression.

If you are experiencing any difficulties meeting the submission deadline you should discuss this with the module leader or the Student Hub and follow the procedures for extension / extenuating circumstance requests.

Submitting your work: Submit your work via Turnitin. You will need to submit the proposal and the ethics review form. This should be submitted as one document.

The Proposal

Your research proposal is a critical discussion and description of how you would undertake a literature review relating to an area of adult nursing / field specific practice. This research proposal should inform your stage three evidence and research module (field specific), The length of this research proposal should be 3000 words in total (comprising proposal and Ethics Review form).Each section should include academic references that support your discourse.

Suggested layout of your Summative Research Proposal.

Abstract (100-200 words)

A relevant and concise synopsis of the way in which the study will be conducted. This will be the first indication the reader will have of the quality and content of the proposal so its composition merits careful thought. It is usually best written last of all when the study details have been refined.

Introduction (100-150 words)

Brief introduction explains the significance of undertaking nursing research, and why it is important to research what you are. Relate your chosen area of investigation to national standards, government policy initiatives and local policy or initiatives.

Background (300-400words)

This should contextualise the area of interest. A short discussion of the issue/ identified problem how it relates to your field of practice/ clinical practice. Consider how this research may contribute to an understanding of your area of practice. What is already known about this area and what are the gaps in knowledge, how will this literature review address this? Evidence of critical evaluation of some current literature should be documented here to offer context and provide justification for the review. This section should be supported with up to date references and presented in-line with the APA 7th system identified in your student handbook.

Research Question (50-100) What is your research question -Stated hypothesis or statement of intent or research question. Remember to use PICO or SPIDER and offer a rationale for your decisions. State the aim and objectives of your research. An aim which is aligned with answering your research question. The objectives are packages of work that will address your research question. The objectives give the reader the information of what and how you intend to address your aim. You should aim for 2-4 objectives.

Definition of Terms (50-150)

Explain the key terms/ concepts that you are referring to

Design and Search Strategy: A Literature Review conducted in a systematic way (1600 words).

This section is a clear plan of how you will conduct the literature review with justification for the decisions you make. You may want to use the following sub headings in this section to separate the elements of the design. Within this section consider strengths and limitations of the literature review compared to other research methodologies (quantitative, qualitative and audit) and support with literature.

Search Strategy

Where will you search for the evidence? Key words, truncation, Boolean operators

What type of evidence will you include in your review? Discuss the parameters will you set for your inclusion / exclusion criteria

How will you record and document your search process. PRISMA

How will you extract data and appraise the quality of the literature to answer your research question. Discuss the principles of critically appraising research and limiting bias. Describe the application frameworks to appraise the literature, for example CASP


How will you organise and interpret your findings. Consider thematic analysis and matrix summary table

Discussion and Dissemination.

Consider how you plan to disseminate your findings of your literature review.

Provide details of the anticipated time scale, to complete your literature review. You may wish to include a Gant chart as an appendix outlining your timescale

Support (100-150 words)

Give an indication of what support will be required to enable you to undertake this piece or research. The support may, for example, be in the way of resources, time, supervision, access to internet, computer

Please remember you must ensure that you have discussed your research proposal with the module tutor facilitated by discussions within your seminar groups.

Ethics (To be completed on Ethical Review Form, template found under Assignment tab) (500 word).

A learning outcome of this module is concerned with research ethics; therefore, it is an absolute requirement that you complete the Ethical Review Form and submit this as part your research proposal. An indication of the ethical considerations associated with the proposed research should be offered together with details of how these issues will be addressed, e.g., consent, confidentiality, transparency. Within the form there should be a detailed critical discussion and evaluation of the broader virtue ethical issues, not just the deontological aspects.

The process detailed in the ethics lecture and notes should be iterated and followed within your proposal.


Presentation is important and the following guidelines should be followed, except when alternative instructions have been provided. Work should be word-processed, type written (minimum of 11-pt-size font). You have access to computing facilities within the School of Human and Health Sciences and Computing and Library Services.

Remember to back up all work as IT hardware, software and device failure are not acceptable grounds for claiming extenuating circumstances.

Your work should be double-line spaced with 1” (25 mm) margins all round.

To ensure accuracy with spelling and grammar please use a dictionary or spellchecker on a word processor.

University of Huddersfield referencing and citation guide must be followed: using the official University referencing guide.

Using footers, pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page in the centre.



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