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Create an evidence informed discussion that explores the care and management of a patient with complex health needs, that also explores the epidemiology of illness. You will address this assessment by choosing to focus on one of the two case studies presented in this module: either Chesney (Traumatic Brain Injury) or Sarah (Colo-rectal Cancer). Your discussion must cover the following areas. Critically explore the epidemiology of the condition affecting the chosen case study and its significance for that individual and wider society. Using a r

Assessment 1

Written Essay, 3000 words (+10% max allowance)

100% Weighting



Assessment Title:  Care and management of a patient with complex health needs.

Assessment Task:

Create an evidence informed discussion that explores the care and management of a patient with complex health needs, that also explores the epidemiology of illness.

You will address this assessment by choosing to focus on one of the two case studies presented in this module: either Chesney (Traumatic Brain Injury) or Sarah (Colo-rectal Cancer).

Your discussion must cover the following areas.

  1. Critically explore the epidemiology of the condition affecting the chosen case study and its significance for that individual and wider society.
  2. Using a range of relevant bio-scientific knowledge (such as physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology), evaluate the results from one clinical assessment or one clinical investigation from the case study and offer an evidenced-based rationale for a recommendation for care.
  3. Explore and evaluate the ongoing evidence-informed care and management of one aspect of the complex health needs of your chosen case study.
  4. Within your discussion evaluate your role as the qualified nurse in the coordination of evidence-informed care for Sarah/Chesney within the interdisciplinary context. What factors may you need to consider when coordinating complex care across a range of settings?








Submission Details

  • 3000 words (+10% max allowance)
  • This is a Level 6 assessment and will be marked using the marking criteria below.
  • Pass mark is 40% – You must include all 5 points listed above to achieve a pass grade.
  • Use Arial size 12 font with double line spacing.
  • Use BCU Harvard referencing.
  • Save and upload your submission as a Word document.
  • As this essay includes discussion of your role as the professional nurse, the use of the first person ‘I’ is permitted as much as third person (‘we’ or ‘the author’). Either is fine, but you should be consistent and remain academic and professional with your language and tone. Avoid colloquialisms (conversation style).
  • Your completed assignment will be submitted through Turnitin similarity checking software via Moodle automatically. Guidance on how to use and access Turnitin similarity software is available on the module Moodle page.
  • Submission dates are available on your assessment schedule and the Moodle page.
  • Results and feedback will normally be provided 20 working days from your submission date.


Assessment Support

The module includes the following formative opportunities to support you with your assignment submission:

  • Tutorial support throughout the module – e-learning and in class.
  • Self-directed study (pre and post session work), including activities to develop your critical analysis and academic writing skills.
  • Reading list which includes up-to-date, relevant clinical guidelines as well as useful resources for critically appraising literature.
  • Group work discussions.
  • Peer feedback is also encouraged within a supportive framework of the module.
  • We recommend that you reflect on your learning on each session to identify your continued areas for development.
  • Weekly answers to questions posted on ‘Hot Questions’ on Moodle.
  • An assignment planner to help with organising and developing your work ahead of submission.
  • ADD session on ‘Critical Analysis’ which is scheduled during the run of the module.
  • Where you have received individual or group feedback from previous academic work, we would encourage you to reflect upon this and feed this into your future work.




Marking Criteria: Undergraduate – Level 6

Referencing skills

Referencing technique follows Faculty guidelines
Occasional referencing errors
Frequent referencing errors
Web sources cited incorrectly
Journal articles cited incorrectly
Books cited incorrectly
No reference list was provided
Not applicable for this assessment


  A+ (85% +) A (70-84%) B (60-69%) C (50-59%) D (40-49%) E (30-39%) F (0-29%)
Knowledge  & Understanding  
Evidence of use of learning resources


Exceptionally well selected material from a  wide range of sources is integrated and used to promote arguments Well selected material from a  wide range of sources is integrated and used to promote arguments Material is used from a wide range of sources to construct and develop arguments Material is used from a wide range of sources to support arguments Adequate use of resources to support arguments


Inadequate use of resources to support arguments


No evidence of resources being used to support arguments
Evidence of understanding of the area of study Novel and integrative approach Good integrative approach Secure grasp of the wider contexts Secure understanding of the concepts and principles Adequate understanding of the concepts and principles



Inadequate understanding of the concepts and principles



Flawed grasp of the subject

No understanding of the concepts and principles




Seriously flawed grasp of the subject

Practical Skills  
Application of relevant

Knowledge in the appropriate context

Novel and integrative approach within the wider contexts


Excellent appreciation and application of the wider contexts


Good appreciation and application of the wider contexts Applies appropriate knowledge and skills with confidence Applies appropriate knowledge and skills Limited application of knowledge


Flawed application of knowledge


Intellectual Skills  
Analytical skill


Analyses and develops arguments far beyond expectations Sustains excellent analysis from supporting evidence



Analyses critically and confidently Sustains good analysis from supporting evidence Clear attempt at critical analysis Some attempt at critical analysis No attempt at critical analysis
Transferable Skills  
Structure and



Sophisticated and persuasive presentation of arguments Manages information creatively Manages information effectively and confidently Manages information effectively Clear structure and coherent organisation Some attempt at coherent organisation Poorly organised and difficult to follow
Communication of ideas


Sophisticated and effective communication of ideas Impressive and effective presentation of ideas Confident and effective presentation of ideas Articulate and effective style Clearly written and presented Lack of clarity in presentation Lack of clarity and coherence


Key Information

Conditions of Progression


40% Pass Mark


You must address all assessment tasks listed above to achieve a pass grade.


You have designated submission points as per your assessment schedule.


Late or Non-Submission/ Attendance Assessments must be submitted in the format specified in the assessment task, by the deadline and to the submission point published on Moodle. Failure to submit by the published deadline will result in penalties which are set out in the Academic Regulations,


Please be aware that the penalties are different for re-submissions and ‘in-year retrievals’.


Word Count The word count for this module assessment is shown under the assessment task. A +10% margin of tolerance is applied, beyond which nothing further will be marked. Marks cannot be awarded for any learning outcomes addressed outside the word count.


The word count refers to everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists etc.). Everything before (i.e. abstract, acknowledgements, contents, executive summaries etc.) and after the main text (i.e. references, appendices) is not included in the word count limit.



Academic Integrity Guidance














Academic integrity is the attitude of approaching your academic work honestly, by completing your own original work, attributing, and acknowledging your sources when necessary. Understanding good academic practice in written and oral work is a key element of academic integrity. It is a positive aspect of joining an academic community, showing familiarity with, and acknowledging sources of evidence. The skills you require at higher education may differ from those learned elsewhere such as school or college.

You will be required to follow specific academic conventions which include acknowledging the work of others through appropriate referencing and citation as explicitly as possible. If you include ideas or quotations which have not been appropriately acknowledged, this may be seen as plagiarism which is a form of academic misconduct. If you require support around referencing, please contact the Faculty’s Academic Development Department or the University wide Centre for Academic Success.


It is important to recognise that seeking out learning around academic integrity will help reduce the risk of misconduct in your work. Skills such as paraphrasing, referencing and citation are integral to acting with integrity and you can develop and advance these key academic skills through the Faculty’s Academic Development Department.

Academic Misconduct












Academic misconduct is conduct which has or may have the effect of providing you with an unfair advantage by relying on dishonest means to gain advantage and which therefore compromises your academic integrity.


The procedure sets out the process we will follow, and the penalties we may apply, in cases where we believe you may have compromised your academic integrity by committing academic misconduct. See The Academic Misconduct Procedure for more information about academic support.


Turnitin To obtain a Turnitin scan before submitting your work to your department please visit the University’s ‘Turnitin at BCU’ Moodle site. Work that is submitted and scanned through this service is not stored on the main Turnitin system and this is NOT your submitted work.


Extenuating Circumstances Further details are available on the Extenuating Circumstances Procedure I-City page.
Where to get help The University has a designated student support service known as the Centre for Academic Success. Here you will find support for a range of academic skills. Likewise, you can arrange a consultation with a member of staff from the Academic Development Department based at City South Campus. You also should also review the wide range of support and help from the library.


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