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CSC 1040 Computing with Images : Management of Electronic Data


Instructions Review this unit’s student learning outcomes (USLOs) below. Select one of the discussion prompts below to respond to in your initial post. Respond to classmates that focused on other prompts in your two peer responses. Unit 4 USLOs Identify best practices for responsible internet use. Identify appropriate and inappropriate uses of information.
Describe the concepts of privacy, confidentiality, security, and integrity as they apply to the management of electronic data. Discuss procedures and regulations that minimize threats to the privacy and security of healthcare information. Discussion Prompts Prompt 
1: Ethical and Legal Considerations When using technology responsibly in the workplace and at home, you will need to consider the privacy and security of electronic data. Referring to this unit’s tutorials or external resources, describe some of the ethical and legal considerations surrounding responsible use of technology (and the information obtained through technology) in the workplace. Have you ever observed or experienced information being compromised? What can you do to keep information private and secure? (USLOs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, & 4.4) Prompt
2: Protecting Patient Information Many of you are already working in roles in various healthcare settings. Describe some of the guidelines and protocols that you are required to follow when it comes to protecting patient information. Please refer to this unit’s tutorials or external resources when providing specific information about relevant legislation or mandated guidelines. (USLO 4.4) Prompt
3: Responsible Use Consider the rules related to the use of technology in your current workplace. Are there specific restrictions related to the use of technology? For example, certain websites may be restricted or the use of personal mobile devices may be banned. How is responsible use of technology encouraged in your current workplace? Are there rules that you would like to see lifted or implemented to change the culture surrounding technology at your workplace? Refer to this unit’s tutorials or external resources when providing specific recommendations or discussing responsible use of technology. (USLO 4.1) Participation Expectations You will be expected to respond to one of the prompts above in your initial post by Day
4 of the week. Remember to address all parts of your selected prompt. Your initial post should be substantial and at least 100 words. Your post should be in your own words, demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic. You will not be able to view the posts of your classmates until you make your initial discussion post, and you will not be able to edit or delete posts. Then, respond to classmates and/or your instructor throughout the week. You will be expected to post on at least 3 different days throughout the week. Your subsequent peer responses should be substantial and generate discussion to further explore the topics. Your peer responses should be at least 75 words each. Think of this as a discussion we may have in the classroom setting, except we are doing it online over the course of a week. If you have questions about these participation expectations, post them to the Course Q&A Discussion. You may view the grading rubric for this discussion in the syllabus or by clicking the vertical ellipsis icon to the top right of the discussion instructions and opting to show rubric. Remember to provide citation(s) in APA format for the unit content or external sources you use to write your post(s)!
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