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Describe each of the following Unit of Competency components. 2. Describe what is meant by the term ‘Competency Standard 3. Describe each of the following key components of assessment tools. 4. Describe the dif

Assignment Task

Assessment Informatio

Competency Being Assessed

This Assessment Kit has been aligned against the following unit of competency from the TAE Training and Education Training Package:

TAEASS401 – Plan assessment activities and processes

  1. Determine the assessment approach
  2. Prepare the assessment plan
  3. Identify modification and contextualisation requirements
  4. Develop the assessment instruments

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan the assessment process, including recognition of prior learning (RPL), in a competency-based assessment system.

It applies to individuals with assessment planning responsibilities.

In planning activities and processes, individuals are required to identify the components of assessment tools, analyse and interpret assessment tools, and develop assessment instruments (also known as assessment tasks) and assessment plans.

Assessment Requirements

You must satisfactorily complete all assessment items in this Assessment Kit to achieve competency for this unit. Use the Glossary of Instructional Words for specific direction.


Practical assessment activities and evidence gathering requirements to demonstrate competence in practice.

Knowledge Questions

Knowledge questions are designed to demonstrate your understanding of information you have learned during your study for these units. Answer in the spaces provided and refer to the Glossary of Instructional Words for specific direction and requirements.

1. Describe each of the following Unit of Competency components.

2. Describe what is meant by the term ‘Competency Standard

3. Describe each of the following key components of assessment tools.

4. Describe the difference between assessment tools and assessment instruments explaining assessment instruments in detail.


Information for Students

You are required to demonstrate your skill and knowledge by working through each assessment task and submitting evidence as and when requested.

  • Acknowledge any information you have used (websites, books etc.) by referencing the original source.
  • Before you submit your work, please ensure you have clearly named and labelled your documents as per the Progress Checklist.
  • Any video evidence will need to be uploaded to YouTube.
    • Watch this ‘How to’ to get started.
    • Upload your video presentation directly to YouTube, select the video to be ‘unlisted’ and provide the URL link to the video in your submission.

Assessment Pathways

Option 1 – Work-based

If you are currently employed by or have direct access to a Registered Training Organisation (including access to policies, procedures, processes, systems, programs, records etc.) you may base your Assessment Tasks on the operations of this RTO.

Note : you may need to seek permission from the RTO’s management before committing to this pathway. Any organisational documentation presented as evidence within this assessment will be treated as commercial in confidence.

Option 2 – RTO Simulation

If you do not meet the criteria for Option 1, you may base your Assessment Tasks on the information and resources provided through the RTO Simulation.

Click the button below to download information you will need to complete the Task.

Assessment Task 1

Part A- Determine the assessment approach

For this Task, you will begin planning for assessment against 2 different Units of Competency from a Certificate III Qualification in the Assessment Context Template

  • Unit 1: Must allow for assessment of a cohort of candidates against a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) workplace pathway
  • Unit 2: Must allow for assessment of a cohort of candidates against a Training and Assessment (traditional) classroom assessment pathway

For each unit you will:

  • Identify the candidate/s and confirm the purposes and context of the assessment with relevant people according to legal, organisational and ethical requirements
  • Identify and access applicable industry or workplace standards for the assessment, and any specific assessment requirements

If using your own RTO, you may need to consult with key personnel to help you with this Task.

Part B- Analyse the Units of Competency

For this Task, you will need to analyse the units of competency being used in assessment to identify the evidence need to demonstrate competency. To do this

  • Access the 2 Units of Competency and the existing assessment tasks being used to assess these units and document the specific evidence you would need to collect to make a decision of competency that meets the rules of evidence. Document this in the Assessment Evidence Template
  • Map each assessment being used to the 2 Units of Competency ensuring your map the Elements, Performance Criteria, Foundations Skills and Performance and Knowledge Evidence in the Mapping the Units Template
  • Use information from the candidate and, where relevant, the candidate’s workplace to identify contextualisation needs and answer the questions in the Contextualisation and Modification Template to complete this task

Part C- Develop the assessment plan .

In this part of the task, you will need to develop 2 assessment plans and document how you will assess your candidates against the 2 units of competency.

Complete the following activities for this task.

  • Document your assessment plans using the templates.
  • Assessment Plan Template – Training and Assessment
  • Assessment Plan Template – RPL
  • Email the completed plans to relevant stakeholders to seek approval.
  • Ask the stakeholders to sign the ‘authorised by’ section in the assessment plan templates.
  • Submit the 2 completed Assessment Plans Templates as evidence.

Assessment Task 2

Part A- Develop the assessment instruments.

In this part of the task, you will need to access existing assessment instruments for the 2 units of competency you are planning assessment for.

You will need to:

  • Refer to the existing assessment instruments for the two units of competency
  • Describe the advice you sought from the Training Package Companion Volume and how this was applied to your development
  • According to the Contextualisation and modification template completed in AT1 Part B, modify each assessment task as required.
  • You must modify and develop at least one assessment task for each Unit of Competency ensuring you write clear instructions for the candidate and assessor regarding the use of assessment instruments
  • You will complete the Assessment Development and Modification Templates to track your development of your tasks
  • You must submit the original assessment instrument and the modified version with your final portfolio of work

Part B- Check and confirm assessment instruments meet required standards.

In this part of the task, you will need to confirm that the modified assessment instruments you have developed meet the standards for assessment.

Complete the following steps:

  • Access the existing Mapping documents for the 2 Units of Competency and the tasks they are assessed with.
  • Conduct a mapping review to verify that the modified assessment instructions map correctly.
  • Update the mapping documents with any changes if required.
  • Seek feedback from the relevant stakeholder or training manager. Document your meeting discussion in the Mapping and Assessment Review Meeting Template.


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