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Discussion: Clive Wearing’s memory systems

Discussion: Clive Wearing’s memory systems

Clive Wearing is perhaps the most famous living amnesic today. More than 20 years ago, he was infected by the Herpes Simplex virus, which destroyed his hippocampi in both hemispheres of the brain, along with some structures in the frontal lobes. He has been living with an extreme case of amnesia ever since.

For the discussion forum, first watch “The Man with the 7-second Memory” in the Module 3 Learning Materials page. Then, engage in the following discussion:

Initial post (30 points)

1. Consider Wearing’s episodic memory system

Describe his overall condition in the episodic memory system (2 points)
Discuss his ability to recall old memories in that system (2 points), citing at least one example of his behavior from the video to support your discussion (2 points)
Discuss his ability to form new memories in that system (2 points), citing at least one example of his behavior from the video to support your discussion (2 points)
2. Consider Wearing’s semantic memory system

Describe his overall condition in the semantic memory system (2 points)
Discuss his ability to recall old memory in that system (2 points), citing at least one example of his behavior from the video to support your discussion (2 points)
Discuss his ability to form new memory in that system (2 points), citing at least one example of his behavior from the video to support your discussion (2 points)
3. Be sure to meet the following criteria for the writing:

No excessive spelling and grammar errors
No direct quote (word for word) from source material
At least 250 words long
Cite the textbook or an outside scholarly article to support your discussion of the two memory systems with both in-text citation and full citation at the end of the post.



Discussion: Clive Wearing’s memory systems








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