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In sections 3 and 4 of the leaflet you must provide: An outline of the role of a team leader and the skills and qualities needed to be an effective leader. A description of different leadership styles.

Task 2 – Effective leadership

In sections 3 and 4 of the leaflet you must provide:

  •  An outline of the role of a team leader and the skills and qualities needed to be an effective leader.
  •  A description of different leadership styles.

Extension activities:

To gain a Merit grade you must also:

  • Use your journal to explain YOUR preferred leadership style To gain a Distinction grade you must also use your journal to:
  • Complete an evaluation of a specific, individual’s team leadership skills

LO2. AC. 2.1, 2.2.

The learner must provide a clear outline of the role of a leader providing a range of functions and using examples of leadership to support the statements which are made.

There must be a full explanation of the skills and qualities which leaders need to exhibit in order to be effective.

The learner must give an explanation of at least five different leadership styles and support these with examples.


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