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MEd/PGDip Adult Education, Community Development and Youth Work Theoretical Frameworks for Practice


MEd/PGDip Adult Education, Community Development and Youth Work

Theoretical Frameworks for Practice

Assessment  15+References 重复率5%  参考文献至少用到Reading list中的5个文献

Introduction 200 words Conclusion 200 words

Students will write a 2000-word assignment in which they:

  • identify an example of community -based practice – this can be a local or global example
  • locate this example of Adult Education/Community Work/Youth Work within a wider discourse of critical pedagogy
  • critically analyse a variety of theoretical concepts such as power, empowerment, social justice, and social change
  • consider how these concepts and ideas influence their own practice



Area to be assessed

Marker’s Comments

Locate the development of Adult Education, Community Work and Youth Work within a wider discourse of critical pedagogy and post critical theories  
Critically analyse a variety of theoretical concepts including power, empowerment, social justice and social change  
Identify and analyse the impact of power, identity and discourse in theory, policy and practice both locally and globally  


*All marks are subject to confirmation at External Exam Board



1.Boniwell, I. & Tunariu, A.D. ( 2019). Values, Motivation and Goal Theories. in; Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications.


2.Beggan, E. & Coburn, A. (2018). Creating ‘one big masterpiece’ – Synthesis in Creative Arts Youth Work.


3.França, J. (2019) Henry Giroux: Those arguing that education should be neutral are really arguing for a version of education in which nobody is accountable. (Online interview) https://lab.cccb.org/en/henry-giroux-those-arguing-that-education-should-be-neutral-are-really-arguing-for-a-version-of-education-in-which-nobody-is-accountable/


4.Boniwell, I and A,D. Tunariu. (2019) Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications, McGraw-Hill Education.


5.Bourdieu, P., 1977. Outline of a theory of practice. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.CLD Standards Council for Scotland. https://cldstandardscouncil.org.uk



6.Coburn, A. and Gormally, S. (2020) Defining well-being in community development from the ground up: a case study of participant and practitioner perspectives. Community Development Journal, 55(2), pp. 237- 257.


7.Lyubomirsky, S. (2008) The How of Happiness: A Practical Guide to Getting the Life You Want . London: Sphere.


8.Oishi, S., Diener, E., Suh, E. and Lucas, R.E. (1999) Value as a moderator in subjective well-being, Journal of Personality , 67(1): 157– 84.


9.Ryan, R. and Deci, E. (2000) Self determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development and well-being, American Psychologist , 55: 68– 78.


10.Schmuck, P. (2001) Intrinsic and extrinsic life goal preferences as measured via inventories and via priming methodologies: mean differences and relations with well-being, in P. Schmuck and K.M. Sheldon (eds) Life Goals and Well-Being: Towards a Positive Psychology of Human Striving . Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

11.Schmuck, P., Kasser, T. and Ryan, R.M. (2000) Intrinsic and extrinsic goals: their structure and relationship to well-being in German and US college students, Social Indicators Research , 50(2): 225– 41.


12.Shaw, M. (2008) Policy, Politics and Practice: Community Development. The Edinburgh papers: Reclaimining Social Purpose in Community Education. Edinburgh: Reclaiming . Social Purpose Group











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