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oTouchstone 1: Case Study Close Reading ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you wil

oTouchstone 1: Case Study Close Reading
ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will select a case study of a topic in U.S. history source to read like a historian. As you learned, doing a close reading means reading the text multiple times, with a different set of questions in mind each time. You will then write and submit answers to a set of close reading questions:
Origin and context: Who wrote this text? When did they write it? What do I know about the events being discussed?
Meaning: What is the author’s main idea? What is the text generally about?
Argument: What is the author’s point of view? Are they trying to convince the reader of something? What evidence do they use to support their argument?
Skills: Is there evidence in the text of agility or problem solving skills being used? In what way(s)?
This Touchstone provides an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a topic in U.S. history and practice thinking like a historian. It will also prepare you for later Touchstones, which ask you to research a historical question and create a presentation to help others understand how historical events can be applied to current issues. Lastly, it will develop your problem solving skills, because being a critical reader helps you to obtain and evaluate the information you need to solve problems.
Use the Touchstone template below to write answers to the close reading questions as you read. When you have finished, you will submit this template to move onto the next unit.
Case Study Given: Topic: Civil Rights and Women Article: Title IX and the Gender Binary: Trajectories of Equality
Click or copy and paste the link below to view the article for this assignment:
Read the case study in its entirety. To enhance your understanding, be sure to look up any terms or events in the text that you may be unfamiliar with. Re-read the text as you answer the close reading questions in the Touchstone template.
Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Origin and context
❒ Have you identified who wrote the text and when? Is he or she qualified to speak on the topic?
❒ Have you identified the events being discussed?
2. Meaning
❒ Have you identified the author’s main idea?
❒ Have you described what the text is generally about?
3. Argument
❒ Have you identified the author’s point of view? Are they trying to convince the reader of something?
❒ Have you identified the evidence used to support the argument?
4. Skills
❒ Have you explained ways in which agility or problem solving skills are being used?
Attached is a template. Answer each question in the template. Make sure to cite any sources in the template as well as adding a reference page for those sources.

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