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Control of Mechatronic Module Title: Control of Mechatronic Systems Introduction: A mechatronic system is a physical system joined with a control interface, which aims at restoring the system to its stable condition, in the presence of a disturbance. Therefore, it is important for the engineer to develop skills in both, the conception and description of the physical system itself, as well as the control instruments and techniques for its implementation on the system. This course work focuses on the control of an automated dynamic system. Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes: 1 Apply and distinguish the principles of open-loop and closed-loop control while using transfer functions and mathematical techniques. 2 Demonstrate programming proficiency in the development and design of control systems and mechatronic systems. 3 Identify and examine the differences between linear and non-linear control, their uses and applications in various industry fields.

SOC261: Sociology of Family Assignment 2: Sociological Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Gender Issues in the Family Question (100 marks) “Home isolation measures were introduced all around the world in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, but…

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Part A: Academic Report Before writing the Part A Academic Report, students should listen to the podcast “Mental Health at Work”, facilitated by Dr. Emily Ortega and accessible via Essential Information for Review The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community”. This definition emphas

PSY353e: Positive Psychology Part A: Academic Report Before writing the Part A Academic Report, students should listen to the podcast “Mental Health at Work”, facilitated by Dr. Emily Ortega and accessible via Essential Information for Review The World Health Organisation…

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Mentoring: Theory and Practice Peer mentoring focuses on a more experienced student helping a less experienced student improve overall academic performance, encourage mentors’ personal growth, and provides advice, support, and knowledge to the mentee’ (Colvin and Ashman 2010, p.112). Drawing on current research and your own personal experience of being a mentor, provide a detailed analysis of the role of mentoring in providing support. ‘Mentoring is increasingly being understood as a reciprocal and collaborative relationship instead of a one-way hierarchical one’ (Ghosh, Rejo Jr. 2013 p.113).

Mentoring: Theory and Practice Peer mentoring focuses on a more experienced student helping a less experienced student improve overall academic performance, encourage mentors’ personal growth, and provides advice, support, and knowledge to the mentee’ (Colvin and Ashman 2010, p.112). Drawing…

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Tourism Destination Management TDM assignment – 2 Individual report of 4,000 words, evaluating the tourism policy at a national or regional level and its value for tourism business development. MLO3, 4, 5 Assignment Question: Tourism policies provide a necessary and crucial direction for a destination’s tourism industry, influencing and affecting strategies and decisions made in relevance to the growth and direction of the industry.

Tourism Destination Management TDM assignment – 2 Individual report of 4,000 words, evaluating the tourism policyat a national or regional level and its value for tourism business development. MLO3, 4, 5 Assignment Question: Tourism policies provide a necessary and crucial…

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Operation Management Operations Management This assignment is limited to 1,000 words and accounts for 40% of the assessment of the module. Identify and describe an operational business process or operational problem area from your current or previous experience that could benefit from a process improvement initiative. In describing the problem, you will find the issues noted in the Problem Analysis Exercise in the module to be useful (e.g. context, product and/or service complexity, resources, systems, sourcing/procurement or supply

Operation Management Operations Management This assignment is limited to 1,000 words and accounts for 40% of the assessment of the module. Identify and describe an operational business process or operational problem area from your current or previous experience that could…

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OMGT 2225: Procurement Management And Global Sourcing REQUIREMENTS: Write a research paper following the suggested headings (see “d” below) related to Procurement Risk Management in Two Industries or Two sectors or Two large companies of your choice. Your paper contains the following. i. Introduction. ii. Comparative (compare the similarities and/or differences) overall summary of your selected research articles related to Procurement Risk Management in Two Industries or Two sectors or Two large companies of your choice

OMGT 2225: Procurement Management And Global Sourcing REQUIREMENTS: Write a research paper following the suggested headings (see “d” below) related to Procurement Risk Management in Two Industries or Two sectors or Two large companies of your choice. Your paper contains…

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GSP153: Art Appreciation The French Impressionism movement of the 20th Century Modern Art History ushered us into an era of explosive colors. The creative use of lines from the Eastern culture was also vividly practiced by impressionist artists. It was a period where great masters like Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh, and Paul Cezanne created remarkable and unforgettable paintings.

GSP153: Art Appreciation The French Impressionism movement of the 20th Century Modern Art History ushered us into an era of explosive colors. The creative use of lines from the Eastern culture was also vividly practiced by impressionist artists. It was…

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Question 1 As part of the nation’s vaccination programme for children, all citizens below the age of six need to be vaccinated with a cocktail mixture of Vaccine W, Vaccine X and Vaccine Y. One litre of the cocktail mixture requires a certain minimum amount of active compound alpha, beta, gamma and theta as shown in Table 1.

Question 1 As part of the nation’s vaccination programme for children, all citizens below the age of six need to be vaccinated with a cocktail mixture of Vaccine W, Vaccine X and Vaccine Y. One litre of the cocktail mixture…

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HRM335: Leadership Development Question 1 Examine the servant leadership model and evaluate the benefits and challenges of the servant leadership model in managing crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Question 2 In this question, you will be selecting another leadership style (not servant leadership) that you think would best enable leaders to lead their followers successfully to manage the Covid19 crisis. In answering this question, please examine and appraise the leadership style you have chosen and the impact it would have on followers, organizations, and/ or countries in the context of Covid-19.

HRM335: Leadership Development Question 1 Examine the servant leadership model and evaluate the benefits and challenges of the servant leadership model in managing crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Question 2 In this question, you will be selecting another leadership…

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CSCI312: Big Data Management Scope The objectives of Assignment 1 include implementation of HDFS applications, implementation of simple MapReduce applications, and describing an implementation of complex MapReduce application. Task 1 Implementation of HDFS application Implement a HDFS application that merges two files located in HDFS into one file also located in HDFS. The application must have the following parameters. (1) A path to, and a name of the first input file in HDFS. (2) A path to, and a name of the second input file in HDFS

CSCI312: Big Data Management Scope The objectives of Assignment 1 include implementation of HDFS applications, implementation of simple MapReduce applications, and describing an implementation of complex MapReduce application. Task 1 Implementation of HDFS application Implement a HDFS application that merges…

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