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Team Presentation (10 marks) Once you have developed an awareness of your role i

Team Presentation (10 marks)
Once you have developed an awareness of your role in a team and the skill sets necessary to be part of a functional team, you will be required to develop a team based activity to resolve the following scenario:
You are a team of managers who work for the same organisation and are all on the same level. You each manage a sector of the organisation: operations; customer service; strategy and governance; and IT and finance. The work environment has traditionally been competitive and a toxic work environment has emerged over time. You have never come together as a group and you each work independently of each other. Employee turnover is high and profit margins dropping significantly over the past five years.
The Board of Directors have replaced the CEO who is now on a performance based contract. The new CEO – Cheryl Teagan – has called you all to a meeting. She has made it clear that she wants a more collaborative approach to be taken and that you will be part of her executive management team, developing the company’s future strategic direction.
She wants you to develop and present her with a half day team building exercise that will assist in bringing you all together as a cohesive, functional and high performing team. You will all be performance managed on the way in which you function as a team.
You will start developing your ideas in Week 5 using the ‘Six Thinking Hats’ activity. A lesson plan for the presentation of your team building activity is due in Week 10. You will rehearse your presentation in the workshop during Week 11, culminating in a ten minute presentation of your activity in Week 12
Your plan will be for a half day (4 hours) team building workshop, but you will summarise this for the team presentation, including the following elements into the presentation:
Objectives of the team building workshop
Activities including
An example of an activity
Skills the team will develop

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