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What type of organization would be compatible with your leadership style and what type of organization would you find difficult?

Leadership Self Analysis Paper
Determine your personal leadership styles based upon recommended leadership and personality surveys. Each chapter of the Northhouse (2022) text has questionnaires that will be completed and should be incorporated into paper. Other examples: Myers-Briggs, Strength finders, conflict management, and feedback gained from classmates, peers, and your direct report. Discuss the results. Were you surprised by the data? Why or why not? What type of organization would be compatible with your leadership style and what type of organization would you find difficult? This is a formal paper requiring APA format, including proper grammar, and should be approximately 6-8 double-spaced pages (excluding the title and reference pages).

Grading Rubric for Leadership Self Analysis Paper
Criteria Possible Points Earned Score
Interpretation and Analysis of Leadership and Personality Survey results with description of each category. Include feedback from colleagues and direct report. 25
Personal reaction of analysis of results 15
Type of organization best suited for personality style and strengths with rationale.
Type of organization less suited to your personality style and strengths with rationale. 15
Writing style, APA, clarity 5
Total 60


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