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What was once a seasonal task, recruiting, and hiring have turned into a year-round responsibility.


Recruiting teachers is a national challenge due to fewer students majoring in education fields, less applicant diversity, and teacher attrition. Making the task even more daunting is recruiting teachers for high needs schools and high needs areas such as math, special education, foreign languages, and science.

When examining applicant databases, all teaching areas have lower numbers of interested individuals. What were once popular areas with ample applications, Human Resources Departments are even scrambling for applicants in English, school counseling, business education, and social studies. Recruiting and retaining teachers test all schools and school districts. What was once a seasonal task, recruiting, and hiring have turned into a year-round responsibility. In recent years, some positions have gone unfilled for months and even a full school year, generating many questions and valid concerns from parents and citizens.

After reading Webb and Nortons Chapter 3 and the Podolsky et al. article, complete the following sentence starters:

When I become an administrator, I want to remember (from these readings)
Three things I learned from the readings
One word to sum up what I learned (and tell why you chose this word)
Something I already knew
An aha moment that I had
These readings relate to my current worksite by
My school has had these challenges because OR My school has not had these challenges because…

The assignment should be at least two, double-spaced pages. Because of the type of assignment, APA style, citations, and references are not required. A title page is required but is not part of the page count. The paper should be written in paragraph form, meaning you will have seven (7) paragraphs. APA grammar still applies.


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  • What was once a seasonal task, recruiting, and hiring have turned into a year-round responsibility.
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