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You have been asked to manage a new department responsible for human resources and payroll. This function had previously been outsourced to another organisation. A number of team members have been recruited from within the organisation to fulfil administrative and team leader roles, however, the team is not yet at full capacity. One of your first tasks is to assess the current and future capabilities of the team to identify vacancies for qualified staff. You then need to ensure team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work effectively in the department. You have been given approval from the senior management team to recruit team members, as well as a budget for targeted learning and development activities (including coaching and mentoring) to support the team to achieve its goals. TASK 2


Assessment brief CMI 502 has been designed to enable learners to evidence their ability to lead individuals and teams to success. The assessment focuses on the theoretical and practical approaches to developing, leading, and managing teams as well as the knowledge and skills required to evaluate team capabilities, analyse recruitment processes, staff selection and learning and development activities.

On successful completion of the assessment the manager will appreciate how individuals and teams can be supported, motivated and inspired to exceed expectations.

Understanding approaches to developing, managing and leading teams is an essential management skill. Managers must have a thorough understanding of theoretical models for developing, managing and leading teams to be effective in their role. This needs to be complimented by the ability to practically apply theoretical approaches in the workplace, specifically when managing team leaders and multiple and remote teams.
Task 1:

LO1 Understand approaches to developing, managing and leading teams

1.1 Evaluate the use of theoretical models for developing, managing and leading teams

1.2 Discuss practical approaches for effective team management and leadership

1.3 Analyse strategies for managing team leaders

1.4 Develop approaches to respond to the challenges of managing and leading multiple and remote teams


Organisational success is realised when teams achieve their objectives. This assessment task has been written to enable managers to evidence their understanding of how to evaluate team capabilities, the recruitment processes for achieving a balanced team, and the learning and development activities (including coaching and mentoring) which support team success.

You have been asked to manage a new department responsible for human resources and payroll. This function had previously been outsourced to another organisation. A number of team members have been recruited from within the organisation to fulfil administrative and team leader roles, however, the team is not yet at full capacity.

One of your first tasks is to assess the current and future capabilities of the team to identify vacancies for qualified staff. You then need to ensure team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work effectively in the department.

You have been given approval from the senior management team to recruit team members, as well as a budget for targeted learning and development activities (including coaching and mentoring) to support the team to achieve its goals.

Basing your response on the scenario given above or an organisation you know well or have researched, write a report entitled ‘Approaches to achieving a balance of skills and experience in a team’.

LO2 Understand approaches to achieving a balance of skills and experience in teams

2.1 Evaluate techniques for assessing current and future team capabilities and requirements

2.2 Analyse a process for recruiting team members

2.3 Assess the factors which impact on the selection of learning and development activities for individuals and teams

2.4 Examine the use of coaching and mentoring models to support team development

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