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You have newly joined health and social care sector as medical receptionist, your boss has assigned you with task to study the role pf professionals in health and social care sphere. He/she has also tasked you with responsibility to observe and report if there is any poor practice.

Assignment title –

Role of health and social care professionals in protecting individual’s right and mechanism of reporting poor practices in health and social care. Working of Inter-professional and multidisciplinary healthcare teams.

In this assignment you will be required to study about the role of health and social care professionals. In the first part of assignment, you will be able to understand the hierarchy of health and social care sector. You will be able to know the working of arm-length bodies. This assignment will demonstrate how you can report poor practices in health and care sphere. You will also understand the regulatory bodies that are responsible for maintaining quality standards. Furthermore, you will study about the regulatory bodies that manage the professions of health and social care, such as college and training centres. Then, in the second part of this assignment is related to inter-professional and multidisciplinary healthcare teams.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this assignment learners should:

LO1 Understand the roles of professionals in health and social care sector

LO2 Understand the roles of arm-length bodies

LO3 Understand how to report poor practice in healthcare sector

LO4 Understand the role of regulatory bodies in healthcare

LO5 Understand the difference between inter-professional and multidisciplinary healthcare teams

LO6 Understand the barrier



You have newly joined health and social care sector as medical receptionist, your boss has assigned you with task to study the role pf professionals in health and social care sphere. He/she has also tasked you with responsibility to observe and report if there is any poor practice.

Task 1 (Assessment Criteria 1.1 and 1.2)

State the role of healthcare professionals (midwives, nurses, carers) in the provision of services.

Write some points about how healthcare professionals can empower individuals by protecting their

• Promoting anti-discriminatory practices
a) Non-judgemental
b) Person centred care
c) Treat them uniquely

• Encourage independence
a) Choice about lifestyle
b) Community groups

• Empowering individuals
a) Informed decisions about their care
b) Opportunities to lead their life

Demonstrate your understanding of reporting poor practice in Health and Social care setting by Writing a dummy report to the manager, regarding unhygienic healthcare practices, at your local healthcare provider.

Your article should focus on:
• Role of health and social care professionals (midwives, carers, nurses)
• Poor practices in healthcare (negligence, poor hygiene, etc.)
• Dummy report of poor practice ( you can choose any practice such as rude behaviour of

The above discussion will help you to achieve.
AC 1.1: Explain how health and social care professionals protect individuals in their care
AC 1.2: Discuss the mechanisms for reporting poor practice in Health and Social care

Task 2 (Assessment Criteria: 2.1 and 2.2)
Explain how regulatory bodies ensure the quality of health and social care services. You can discuss
the role of

  • Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
  •  Care Quality Commission

Identify the professional bodies that are responsible for the management of Health and Social Care Professions. You can discuss the roles and responsibilities of:

  •  Health Education England
  •  Royal College of Physician of Edinburgh


  • Health and Care Professions Council

The above discussion will help you to achieve.
AC 2.1: Discuss the roles of regulatory bodies that inspect Health and Social care provision
AC 2.2: Identify the professional bodies that regulate the professions within healthand


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Part 2 – Difference between Inter-professional and multidisciplinary healthcare teams and barriers to inter-professional working.


You are a member of an inter-professional healthcare team and your boss tasked you to assess the
performance of this team in comparison to a multidisciplinary team of your hospital’s cardiac wing.

You are supposed to write about:
• inter-professional team and multidisciplinary teams
• Difference between inter-professional and multidisciplinary healthcare team
• Barrier to inter-professional teams such as organisational barriers
• Advantages of inter-professional healthcare team

Task 3 (Assessment Criteria: 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

The above discussion will help you to achieve.
AC 3.1: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the inter-professional team in meeting care needs in the case study
AC 3.2: Discuss the difference between multi- disciplinary and inter-professional team working
AC 3.3: Discuss the potential barriers to team working and how they could be overcome.


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